Monday, July 16, 2012

Homemade Baby Wipes/Makeup Removers

After spending tons of money on baby wipe refills in our local store, I decided to give the homemade baby wipes recipes a try.  Searching online I found many recipes and after some experimentation, have narrowed it down to a good recipe, not to toot my own horn.  Here is what I found that worked for me. 
Of course, when it comes to my babies, I had to keep sensitive skin in mind.  So the baby soap I used was one that we have tried and never had a reaction to.  Also, most recipes I have found call for baby oil, but since the slightest touch of baby oil on my own skin yields hives by the pound, I have never even used it on the kiddos, and steered way clear of the junk, opting instead for coconut oil, a natural and safe alternative that has many skin benefits. Off we go, then!
You will need coconut oil, baby wash, a  large sharp non-serrated knife, a roll of select-a-size paper towel, a large cutting board, water, a blender, and a waterproof easy seal container (you will see the one I used below, it worked out great.
Holding the roll of paper towel firmly on the cutting board, use the knife to cut the roll in half.  Be careful!  Also I might mention here that online it is suggested to use only Bounty paper towel, because all other kinds will fall apart.  I have found though that the quality of Target store brand select-a-size paper towels has been fantastic as well, not deteriorating at all, even after I had a batch stored for a week before using them.  So, in the interest of saving some dough, Target works well!

Zap one and a half teaspoons coconut oil in the micro for a couple seconds just until it is in liquid form, and drop that into the blender.  Add in one and a half teaspoons baby wash.  Finally to this mixture add two cups room temperature water.  Pulse this mixture three times- just enough to incorporate everything together evenly, but not enough to froth it. 
Place one half of the paper towel into your container, cut side down. 

Pour the mixture over the top of the paper towel, and seal the container.  Allow to stand for 30 minutes, or until the towel is soaked through. 

Open the container and pull the core out of the towel. 
Pull up the center towel and off you go!  These wipes can be used for baby bottoms or are a wonderful quick way to remove makeup in the evening before bed.

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